Thursday, 29 November 2012

Unit 43 P1

In this unit we're required to produce a virtual tour for a department in our school, to be successful throughout the oncoming task will require a good understanding of ICT and media, but also the skill to take inventory. To start off this unit I'll discuss the multiple media types and explain their purposes.

Audio is the use of sounds which comes in many forms either diagetic or non- diagetic. Audio can prove very useful during this unit. It's involvement can be used for explanations, as it can explain what imagery cannot, audio can also benefit the visually impaired, meaning no one is left in the dark due the our information being provided across several media types. Finally the use of audio is essentially the mood creator during media productions, either being comedic or serious, audio is consistently present throughout a majority of projects. The music department can make use of this media form, with the recording a piece music to allow our audience to gain a perspective upon the subject type.


Images and footage are the visual illustrations of audio, they're pretty much opposites, but equally beneficial.  Audio can verbally describe what a particular department does, but the use of imagery allows our audience to actually see what are school does and what to expect if they want their son/daughter to study here. Additionally it's usage provide the hard of hearing with a visual aid, covering both audio and visual allows for a much wider variety in our audience. Either media, art, ICT, dance and drama are all ideal, as they need a visual requirements to show the subject at it's full potential, weather it's using JPEG's and GIF's images for both ICT and are and video productions for drama and media.

This media type is interactive to our audience, due they'll be needing to navigate through our website to discover the virtual tour. This navigation will consist of hyperlinks, buttons, etc. Using navigation is useful to allow easy and uncomplicated access for the users needs. It's usage is beneficial, as it makes access much easier and also can represents the ICT department, due the our website and tour our all under ICT skill.

Text is the most basic form of media, as it's easily produced, which can be done by anyone. the usage of text presents another sense of variety to our virtual tours. The hard of hearing will find watch a video difficult to comprehend, this can be solved either by incorporated text within the production or the creation of leaflets that will present all information, linear to the virtual tour. This benefits the media art and English department, due to the usage their involvement to incorporate, create and write the additional information.

This media form I consider to be used for professionalism, this high standard needs to be shown during this unit. Having a logo reflects on how the school looks and how the audience will judge our facility. the usage of a logo will present our audience with a high standard, that also shows that we're willing to be artistic when the time is needed. The audience will see this as a demonstration from the art department.

Finally an animation is a sequence of images (of a particular action) that are ran to portray something very similar to a video, though animations can differ from either stop-motion to computer generated imagery. The computer generations benefit the combination of both art and ICT and the stop-motion gains media a morsel of notoriety , these subject can also help most academic subjects get noticed. Whatever the media form our goal has to remain the same and that is to  inform, explain and entertain our  audience, so much so that the Kingswood school is taken into their consideration and hopefully becomes their number one choice.

Target Audience
Our target audience for our virtual tour is for parents, as they'll want their siblings to go the best school possible. They'll like to hear all the information that we're providing (trying to persuade our audience). Also our audience can be potential students that wish to take into consideration upon where they study.  We have to inform, explain and entertain them to help their decision.

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