Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Expected result
Actual result
Validation Rules
These should prevent certain (more or less incorrect) action or entries from happening.
All my validation rules work as they perform the actions that I designed them to do, such as ‘age limit, star rating, etc.

Error captures
The expected outcome of this process should occur if data is entered incorrectly and will proceed with an error message. 
My database captures all incorrect data entries and will follow up with error messages.

Error messages
This function should appear if the error capture works. It should present the user with an error message designed to the particular subject.
All error messages do show their presence after an error capture is established.

Successful entry
This function should allow for new people to become members by entering all their data. By using a macro to run a query.
I can enter new members into my database, once all fields are completed and done correctly. The macro that runs the query operates effectively without fault.
Manipulation of normal  data
This function is the movement of data from one point to another.
I transferred all my data to all their correct locations (with the use of append queries). Also I created parameter query so I can search films with a particular title or star rating.

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