Tuesday, 18 December 2012


The link below will direct you to the first draft of my house style and you'll see the changes I have made. 

This is a screen shot of my development of my house style, the main theme was approved rather well, but minor tweaks were required to either, created space, or edit it's appearance. I asked several of my friends so that I can receive critical assessment, this allowed me to gain several pointers to develop the original concept.

Note- the following paragraphs are annotated in the picture of the slide.

The first and main improvement that people insisted on is to create more space. I recognized their statement and began adjusting my house style accordingly, by removing the bottom right hand sides decorative design (the design covered too much space), re-positioning my buttons and adjusting their size measurements on the slide picture, reducing the picture sizes that would adjust depending on the slide (gallery will consist of the most images and videos.

Secondly i was asked to change my text to suit the overall style of the house style, so I changed the text to Brush Script Std, which continually changed it's size to insinuate different text types the logo title is the largest font size of 20, the hyperlinks of 14 and the main body text that'll be used for information will be at a standard 12. Additionally  I contrasted the colours of the text to the decorative design  of Forest Green and Blackespecially for the hyperlinks as i received several complaints on that they were barely visible, so this development was both a functional and decorative improvement.

Finally a logo was asked for, something that represented the Media Department, so I decided that the department logo should contain a similar theme towards the school logo itself. To achieve that theme is in it's simplicity, but I also associated the logo to fit into the virtual tour as-well. By using Brush Script Std text and the use of a basic vector image to create my logo.

Finally I went to the department that my department is based upon and asked for the opinions on my prototype. This needed to be done so that my representation of the Media Department is correct, they gave me the feedback on the gaps around my images, they stated that the gaps need to be more consistent (evenly spaced gaps) but the department felt that my prototype was a respectful representation of their subject.

All those suggestions I took on board and to the best of my abilities and developed my first concept, which every suggestion improved my prototype signification.    

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

P2 Task 3


The first 9 pictures display my story board for the multi-media project. 

P2 House style

This post is the house style that will be used in my virtual tour. All annotations are present so that you know the sizes and style that all of the tour will also have.  

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Unit 43 P1

In this unit we're required to produce a virtual tour for a department in our school, to be successful throughout the oncoming task will require a good understanding of ICT and media, but also the skill to take inventory. To start off this unit I'll discuss the multiple media types and explain their purposes.

Audio is the use of sounds which comes in many forms either diagetic or non- diagetic. Audio can prove very useful during this unit. It's involvement can be used for explanations, as it can explain what imagery cannot, audio can also benefit the visually impaired, meaning no one is left in the dark due the our information being provided across several media types. Finally the use of audio is essentially the mood creator during media productions, either being comedic or serious, audio is consistently present throughout a majority of projects. The music department can make use of this media form, with the recording a piece music to allow our audience to gain a perspective upon the subject type.


Images and footage are the visual illustrations of audio, they're pretty much opposites, but equally beneficial.  Audio can verbally describe what a particular department does, but the use of imagery allows our audience to actually see what are school does and what to expect if they want their son/daughter to study here. Additionally it's usage provide the hard of hearing with a visual aid, covering both audio and visual allows for a much wider variety in our audience. Either media, art, ICT, dance and drama are all ideal, as they need a visual requirements to show the subject at it's full potential, weather it's using JPEG's and GIF's images for both ICT and are and video productions for drama and media.

This media type is interactive to our audience, due they'll be needing to navigate through our website to discover the virtual tour. This navigation will consist of hyperlinks, buttons, etc. Using navigation is useful to allow easy and uncomplicated access for the users needs. It's usage is beneficial, as it makes access much easier and also can represents the ICT department, due the our website and tour our all under ICT skill.

Text is the most basic form of media, as it's easily produced, which can be done by anyone. the usage of text presents another sense of variety to our virtual tours. The hard of hearing will find watch a video difficult to comprehend, this can be solved either by incorporated text within the production or the creation of leaflets that will present all information, linear to the virtual tour. This benefits the media art and English department, due to the usage their involvement to incorporate, create and write the additional information.

This media form I consider to be used for professionalism, this high standard needs to be shown during this unit. Having a logo reflects on how the school looks and how the audience will judge our facility. the usage of a logo will present our audience with a high standard, that also shows that we're willing to be artistic when the time is needed. The audience will see this as a demonstration from the art department.

Finally an animation is a sequence of images (of a particular action) that are ran to portray something very similar to a video, though animations can differ from either stop-motion to computer generated imagery. The computer generations benefit the combination of both art and ICT and the stop-motion gains media a morsel of notoriety , these subject can also help most academic subjects get noticed. Whatever the media form our goal has to remain the same and that is to  inform, explain and entertain our  audience, so much so that the Kingswood school is taken into their consideration and hopefully becomes their number one choice.

Target Audience
Our target audience for our virtual tour is for parents, as they'll want their siblings to go the best school possible. They'll like to hear all the information that we're providing (trying to persuade our audience). Also our audience can be potential students that wish to take into consideration upon where they study.  We have to inform, explain and entertain them to help their decision.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Throughout this unit we were asked to design and create a database for a film club. This I have done with the combination of mechanic's and tools that structured my database to the appointed design appropriately. All the functions all work effectively as shown in the P7 task.

We got all the data from external source, this allowed the foundations of the database to be constructed. The data consisted of all the members information i.e. first name, last name, but also retained information regarding the films they've seen and commented on. The first stage began with all the data gathered into a single table that had no order or structure, this was resolved with the use of the 'Append queries', that linked to the appropriate tables i.e. tbl_members, tbl_reviews, etc. this format allowed all of the data to be organised into four distinct groups and the append queries allowed the correct data (that was selected by the creator) into the correct places. If this function didn't work correctly the rest of the database would be total disarray.    

In this task we were asked to test the functionality of our own databases, which required us to compare our actual outcome of particular functions to the original intentions. The screen shot above reveals that my P7 task was complete with all functions working correctly.   

Even though my database works as a whole there are still improvements that were recommended to further improve my database, these improvements consisted of a 'Switchboard and forms for both Reviews and Payments'.

The switchboard is basically a form with a series of buttons scattered in an organised fashion, all these buttons will be linked to other forms. This form merely designed for faster navigation for members to make it a simple and easy process.

Payments form
The payments form would allow members to enter in their payments (amount and date of pay) for a particular film. This form follows the traditional trend for standard internet purchasing forms, to create this function a form would have to be created containing the correct entry information, this will be linked to a 'append query' will be linked to allow new data to be entered.

Review Form
This follows the same pattern that the payments form follows.

These were some of the major improvements that can be addressed whilst I was making my database, yet there are some little details that can help improve my database further. One of the changes that could be implemented is to remove the tool bars from screen whilst in use, so that anyone that has access to
your database cannot change it in any form and potentially ruin your work. This change can be done by changing the settings within the format.  Also I could of had the warning messages removed from my queries whilst they're in use, removing these messages makes data entry less of an inconvenience. The queries that allow new data to be appended shouldn't have a warning of the intended action, this is a requirement for standard databases for websites.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Expected result
Actual result
Validation Rules
These should prevent certain (more or less incorrect) action or entries from happening.
All my validation rules work as they perform the actions that I designed them to do, such as ‘age limit, star rating, etc.

Error captures
The expected outcome of this process should occur if data is entered incorrectly and will proceed with an error message. 
My database captures all incorrect data entries and will follow up with error messages.

Error messages
This function should appear if the error capture works. It should present the user with an error message designed to the particular subject.
All error messages do show their presence after an error capture is established.

Successful entry
This function should allow for new people to become members by entering all their data. By using a macro to run a query.
I can enter new members into my database, once all fields are completed and done correctly. The macro that runs the query operates effectively without fault.
Manipulation of normal  data
This function is the movement of data from one point to another.
I transferred all my data to all their correct locations (with the use of append queries). Also I created parameter query so I can search films with a particular title or star rating.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Unit 18 P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, M2, M3 and M4

This is what relationship look like between tables on Access 2010, the process  of creating a relationship is very simple as it a drag and drop situation. These relation are created with a primary a foreign key to link each other together. 

This is screen shot of one of the processes on importing external data into the database. It all very simple as it basically creates itself, really the only step that require your input is to separate the data types with the actual data itself, so they didn't become data as well

This is the end result when importing data and it'll place all the data into their precise places. 

This is the creation of a Append query, this will allow the remaining data to be transferred to the right table and in the right field. 

These are the three different Append queries, for Films, Payments and Reviews. All of theses should allow the remaining data.

If done right the queries will have placed the data correctly and look something like this.

 A presence check is setting the 'Required option to yes whilst designing a database. It makes sure that critical parts of data are filled out and not left undone. 

An input mask is generally like a format check, as it sets the a field to a particular character format to prevent incorrect data entries. 

A range check is a limit system in a quick description i.e. my database requires a certain age range and is limited to the year 1997. If any data is entered into and is above the range check setting, it'll be stopped with an error message if created. 

Like a input mask, a format check prevent data being created within a field incorrectly  due to wrong format . 

A list check is created if generally there is a lack in variety of data within a certain field. In which a drop down box is created to select the options required without typing.  
                                            This is a screen shot of a form in it's design view.

                            This is the form in it's finished state and if done correctly it'll look like this.

 This is the final stage of the append new members table if all the fields re completed a new member should of been created like the screenshot above. 

 This is the design view of the macro which'll allow are append new members query to run after all fields are completed. 

This is the error message if the fields are not complete, so the macro will display an error message of my choosing. This message prevent further progression.

 This is the design view of the select query as you can see is the relationships of the tables and the query in which they' ll transfer to and it'll show all reviews between Jan and Apr.

This is what the select query looks like when complete it will show all comments and star ratings within the 4 month radius.

This is the creation stage of a report, which allows me to select my query and apply it to the report. The rest of the creation is just format settings

This is the design view of the report, as you can see all the query data is there and I can rearrange them in anyway I want.

This is the finished version of the report all the data is present and in the places I wanted them to be.

This is creation and relationship for the parameter query, this isn't a task but it is a helpful tool so I decided to create it.

                 This the form that contain the button that'll run the query and allow for film searching.

This is the result of the button that runs the query as you can see i have all the review for one specific film and  who wrote them.

                  This is the exported version of my report, I have exported this into Word as you can see.